FIRST LEGO League Challenge Teams 57186 and 60670
FIRST LEGO League Explore Teams 29314, 23483, and 29872
The Hi Fives FLL Challenge teams are for homeschooled 4th through 8th graders or students without a team at their school. We also have FLL Explore teams for homeschooled 2nd through 4th graders. For more information about these teams, click the buttons below.
The Hi Fives helps to connect FRC students to FLL Challenge teams that want additional mentors. If you run a FLL Challenge team in the Grand Valley and want a student mentor, reach out to us! We were able to help 20 teams in 2023.
The Hi Fives runs the largest FLL Challenge qualifier in Colorado, hosting about 48 teams each year. We also run one of the largest FLL Explore expos in Colorado, serving dozens of teams from Mesa county and beyond.