About The Hi Fives

FIRST Robotics Competition Team 4944

We are your local robotics team comprised of youth High Schools in the Grand Valley. We compete competitively at a national level building robots to complete challenges against other teams.


The Hi Fives FRC team was started in 2014 to fill a niche. There are many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) programs in the valley for kids in elementary and middle school, but into high school, the selection is more limited. FIRST Robotics Challenge provides a challenging and intense extracurricular STEM program that is both educational and competitive. It is the sport for future scientists. While we’re not the first Robotics program in Grand Junction, we are the most successful, and the most competitive on a world stage.


Because The Hi Fives are not associated with any single high school in the valley, we try to be active at all schools. We reach out to the community by attending events catered to younger students to promote a STEM path that leads through our own program.

Each of these programs requires progressively more education, commitment, and effort. As a program, we are available for all pre-collegiate students to participate regardless of background or circumstance, and we actively promote inclusiveness.


Hi Fives FRC participants become better high school students, who then turn into better college students, future employees, and finally, business leaders that will pilot the Grand Valley into the future. We are excited to provide a stepping stone to many students on this path. We are making efforts to reach out to the community to find more stable funding to ensure the longevity of the program.

Interested in Joining?

We are always looking for new members. If you are a High School student interested in or passionate about any of the following, then we would love to have you.

  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • CAD
  • Writing
  • Buisness Managment
  • or Leadership

Interest Form


We will be competing at:
Utah Regional: March 12th-15th, 2025. Information and Results
Idaho Regional: March 26th-29th, 2025. Information and Results


Competition Survival Guide

The Hi Fives FRC Team

Robot from 2020 and 2023