Help The Hi Fives

Support your local youth Robotics team

Robots are hard work

Every year The Hi Fives assembles an enthusiastic and passionate team of youth from the local Grand Valley high schools. To compete at a national level requires a tremendous amount of resources, expertise, and dedication.

You can have a meaningful impact on our robotics team by volunteering or providing financial support.

Maybe you can help

We are always in need of community volunteers to help mentor our teammates. Building robots involves a lot of engineering, machining, and programming. That is not the end of it though! It's also a business, requiring marketing, design work, scheduling, and more. If you have experience you think can help and would like to devote some time with a great bunch of kids and volunteers, please let us know!

Contact Us to Volunteer

Short on time? Donating also has a meaningful impact. Our team requires specialized tools and equipment, shop space, software, traveling budgets, and more.

Donate to The Hi Fives

Sponsor Information Packet - FRC

Sponsor Information Packet - FTC

The Hi Fives Team